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  • Blockchain

  • Complete Guide to Understanding the Blockchain Technology Revolution and the Future of Money
  • De : Matt Cohen
  • Lu par : Eddie Leonard Jr.
  • Durée : 1 h et 26 min

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Couverture de Blockchain


De : Matt Cohen
Lu par : Eddie Leonard Jr.
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    Discover the technology that will change our financial system forever.

    The blockchain technology is probably the greatest human invention after the Internet. Simply put, the blockchain technology is a form of a distributed ledger that is decentralized, public, and can record transactions with a very high level of security.

    All the records in the blockchain are called blocks, and each of them is linked to the previous one with a hash pointer and is securely stored with cryptography. This technology is revolutionary, because every transaction is recorded across a network of multiple computers in the net. This way, no record can be altered or modified without changing the other blocks. 

    The blockchain technology is still in its early days, but it's already clear that it has the potential to change our financial system forever.

    “The blockchain will do to the financial system what the internet did to media."

    In this comprehensive guide, you'll find everything you need to know about the blockchain technology, blockchain based applications, and interesting future developments. This is an in-depth guide on the blockchain technology, but you'll be easily able to understand it, even if you're a non-technical user. 

    What you'll discover:  

    • What is the blockchain technology and exactly how does it work?
    • Real world examples of the blockchain technology
    • How to hack a blockchain network with the 51% Attack
    • 5 proven ways to profit from cryptocurrencies
    • 8 core strategies to make money trading cryptocurrencies (every investor should know these)
    • The common mistakes beginner traders make and how to avoid them
    • How the blockchain technology will change our financial system forever
    • And much, much more

    Take advantage of the revolution!

    ©2017 Matt Cohen (P)2017 Matt Cohen

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