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Couverture de Blockade: Part 1

Blockade: Part 1

De : Scotty Craft
Lu par : Brad Derry
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    Erik and Brock Cubert, two simple villagers, wake up to find their livestock missing again! Where have all the animals gone, and why is their fence destroyed?

    The Overworld can always count on the the mysterious and heroic Steve to fix anything at anytime. But he hasn't shown up. Where is Steve? And is Beacon Village (the closest settlement to the brothers isolated home) experiencing the same thing?

    Erik and Brock set out across the Sunflower Plains to Beacon Village. They want help. They want answers. But what they discover may be far more than they can handle. The Overworld is changing, and its future isn't looking so good....

    Part One, The Looming Threat is the first three chapters in Blockade by Scotty Craft.

    Stay tuned, there is so much more to come. You've never experienced a story within the world of Minecraft quite like this!

    Blockade is a serialize story that follows brothers Erik and Brock Cubert as they embark on a mysterious and strange adventure. Something is wrong in the Overworld. There are things crawling around that should not exist. Villages are being destroyed. A strange, unknown magic has taken hold of everything. But why? Why has the Overworld been turned on its head? That's what Erik and Brock vow to find out. They may only be simple villagers, but they have heart and determination. Will you join them on their adventure? They're gonna need all the support they can get!

    Important note: This is a work of Minecraft fiction, written with agreement to the commercial use guidelines set forth by Microsoft and Mojang.

    The following story is not an official Minecraft product. It is not approved by or associated with Mojang, Microsoft, or any other entity owning the Minecraft brand.

    ©2023 Scotty Craft (P)2023 Scotty Craft Stories
    • Série : Blockade, Volume 1
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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