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  • Blinded

  • Dr. Alan Gregory Novels, Book 12
  • De : Stephen White
  • Durée : 13 h et 30 min

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De : Stephen White
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    Relentlessly probing the very edge of the human psyche as only he can, psychologist and New York Times best-selling author Stephen White ratchets up the thrills in Blinded, a new novel of psychological suspense—his most compelling and powerful yet.

    Gibbs Storey is a woman no man can resist. When her comfortable life is shattered by the man she thought it was safe to give her heart to, the nightmare has only just begun. Psychologist Alan Gregory is used to dealing with nightmares. But a brutal, shocking confession locks him into darkness—and forces him to choose between saving himself and saving those who will otherwise end their days pleading for mercy at the hands of a vicious serial killer. What Alan can't see is that either choice might cost him his life...

    In riveting, explosive scenes that have become his hallmark, Stephen White delivers an unsettling and gripping story that penetrates to the heart of terror and transfixes listeners like no one else can.

    ©2004 Stephen White (P)2025 Recorded Books

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