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Couverture de Blind Spots

Blind Spots

De : Steve Booren
Lu par : Alexander Masters
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    Your investor behavior will have as much of an impact on your success as the assets in which you choose to invest.

    Do you feel stuck as an investor? Does investing, saving for the future, and the idea of “professional money managers” make you nervous? Want to invest, but unsure where to begin?

    Steve Booren, founder of Prosperion Financial Advisors, has seen it all in his four decades advising business owners, wealthy families, and everyday folks. What he came to realize is the importance of investor behavior: that how investors choose to act, or react, has a profound impact on their investment success.

    In Blind Spots: The Mental Mistakes Investors Make, Booren goes beyond simply picking smart investments and dives into the psychology of investing. He examines questions such as:

    • What causes people to panic sell at the bottom?
    • Why do they tend to follow “hot stock tips” from the guy at the golf course?
    • What should they do when nothing seems like the right course of action?

    In this book, you’ll learn:

    • Which behaviors tend to hurt long term investment results
    • Why our brains and emotions can work against us in moments of anxiety
    • How to overcome your inherent biases and become a better investor

    If you want to understand how mental mistakes can derail your finances and what you can do to improve your investor behavior and results, this book is for you.

    ©2023 Steve Booren (P)2023 Steve Booren

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