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Couverture de Blaze


De : David M Cameron
Lu par : David M Cameron
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    The Moondial has been broken and the Stones of Power scattered. The Laws are failing and the future is thrust into the hands of teenager, Peter Calender. He has been tested and been close to death but discovered an inner strength he did not know he possessed. On his journey, he has found friendship, discovered that magic is more than a part of fairy tales, and been hunted by forces of unimaginable evil. His life will never return to the innocence of childhood, and his passage into adulthood is unlike any other. Fear, love, death, laughter, betrayal, wonder and joy attend him and his companions.

    In Blaze, the fourth part of The Moondial Series, the companions are scattered. The Stones of Power are still to be assembled and the Moondial rebuilt in order to reaffirm the laws that govern the very nature of life on the Seven Worlds.

    ©2020 David M Cameron (P)2024 David M Cameron

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