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  • Blatant Injustice

  • The Story of a Jewish Refugee from Nazi Germany Imprisoned in Britain and Canada During World War II (Footprints, Book 1)
  • De : Walter Igersheimer
  • Lu par : Ian Darragh
  • Durée : 9 h et 25 min

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Blatant Injustice

De : Walter Igersheimer
Lu par : Ian Darragh
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    This is a unique first-hand account of what it was like to be a Jewish refugee imprisoned in Britain and Canada during World War II. Its immediacy is what makes it such a valuable eyewitness account. While there are other memoirs written decades after internment, Walter Igersheimer wrote this book shortly after he was deported from Canada because the Liberal government in the 1940s did not want Jews to become Canadian citizens.

    Igersheimer’s only “crime” was that he was Jewish. After escaping from Nazi Germany with his family, Igersheimer was completing his medical studies when he was caught in the panic that led to the internment of 30,000 German passport-holders living in Britain. They were placed behind barbed wire and treated as enemies.

    Many of the Jewish refugees were then sent to prisons in Canada, but the internees did not let the authorities crush their creativity or desire for an education: they started a free university, mounted plays, and wrote musicals. Laced with black humor, Blatant Injustice is a story of resilience and determination.

    ©2005, 2024 Walter W. Igersheimer; Ian Darragh (P)2024 Ian Darragh

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