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Couverture de Blake on Religion

Blake on Religion

De : Neville Goddard
Lu par : Russell Stamets
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    When you are discussing Blake you are discussing one of the greatest spiritual giants of all time. You might just as well discuss St. Paul, for they had the identical visions, the vision of reality. Tonight we can cover only a portion of his gift to the world. In his "Auguries of Innocence" he says:

    "To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour."

    What is the sequence? The most inanimate thing in the world, a grain of sand, and in it to see a world. Then he moves to the first animation, a flower; and then to see harmony, which is Heaven - to see a "Heaven in a Wild Flower." And now he comes to space: "Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand." And then to time: "And Eternity in an hour."

    ©2017 Majestic (P)2017 Majestic

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