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  • Blackthorn's Protection Magic

  • A Witch’s Guide to Mental and Physical Self-Defense
  • De : Amy Blackthorn
  • Lu par : Gail Shalan
  • Durée : 4 h et 54 min

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Blackthorn's Protection Magic

De : Amy Blackthorn
Lu par : Gail Shalan
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    Blackthorn's Protection Magic guides listeners through the realm of the green witch to a glade filled with options for your protection. Amy Blackthorn discusses spiritual, emotional, and physical security in an easy-to-understand way.

    She provides an overview of what protection means to witches and then explores practices in more depth, including the following:

    • Essential oils for protection magic
    • The role plant allies play in both protecting and healing
    • What tarot can teach us about our strengths and weaknesses
    • Oracle spell work as a potent source of protection

    As a witch who has worked in executive security for nearly 15 years, Amy possesses the botanical spirit of an animist witch, able to see the inherent spirit in plants, as well as a keen eye on ways to make a home feel safer and more secure, on the magical and the mundane levels. For example, holly trees provide magical protection from lightning and make a prickly barrier outside the home to keep burglars from lurking in the shadows.

    ©2022 Amy Blackthorn (P)2022 Red Wheel Weiser

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