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  • Blackjack Affirmations Workbook

  • Beat the Odds by Perfecting Your Strategy, Card Counting, and Beating the Dealer to Win Using Mindset Tips and Cheats
  • De : Marc Edwards
  • Lu par : Dan Levy
  • Durée : 4 h et 17 min

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Blackjack Affirmations Workbook

De : Marc Edwards
Lu par : Dan Levy
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    Discover the power of positive thinking as you delve into the Blackjack Affirmations Workbook. This specially designed workbook is your key to unlocking hidden potential in the game of blackjack. Say goodbye to doubts and uncertainties and embrace a winning mindset with these powerful affirmations.

    • Enhance decision-making: Make every move count with affirmations that sharpen your strategic thinking in blackjack. From hitting and standing to doubling down and splitting, you'll be equipped with the confidence to make calculated decisions for optimal outcomes.
    • Embrace variability: Blackjack outcomes can be unpredictable, but you'll be prepared to handle it all with affirmations that embrace variability. Develop emotional resilience to ride the waves of winning and losing streaks, knowing you're in control.
    • Master card counting: Gain an edge over the casino with affirmations that boost your observation skills. You'll effortlessly adapt to varying deck compositions, fine-tuning your card counting techniques like a pro.
    • Boost confidence and adaptability: Step up your game with affirmations that instill unwavering confidence in your abilities. No matter the table conditions, you'll be adaptable and ready to take on any blackjack challenge that comes your way.
    • Amplify focus and concentration: In the dynamic casino environment, distractions can be overwhelming. But fear not! These affirmations will help you maintain laser-like focus, blocking out noise and disruptions, ensuring you stay composed and make winning choices.

    Experience the transformation firsthand as you embrace the Blackjack Affirmations Workbook. Elevate your blackjack skills, conquer the tables, and become the confident, strategic player you were meant to be!

    Embrace the winning mindset and let your success at the tables speak for itself.

    ©2023 Marc Edwards (P)2023 Marc Edwards
    • Version intégrale Livre audio

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