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Couverture de Blackbirds Sing

Blackbirds Sing

De : Aiki Flinthart
Lu par : Jennifer Vuletic, Ruby Rees, Kaiya Jones
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    Four-and-20 extraordinary women; one chance to save a kingdom. What would you sacrifice to save your family, your loved ones, yourself? 

    In September 1486, the reign of King Henry VII of England is again threatened by York loyalists. The only things standing in the way are a 400-year-old Sidhe who just wants to be left alone and a group of London women with a lot to lose if England is plunged back into war.

    But, in 1486, women have no power. Only the ability to make difficult choices and sometimes-heartbreaking sacrifices. 

    Become immersed in the fascinating, perilous lives of these women, as told through the medium of 25 interwoven short stories. A prostitute selling her daughter’s virginity to pay her debts; a nun returning to the world after 30 years; a laundress whose son is murdered; a lady’s maid hiding her Jewish culture; a blind musician running from a forced marriage; and more.

    Each story is a piece in the puzzle. Each woman faces her own trials as she plays her small part in the desperate attempt to protect King Henry and his wife, Elizabeth of York. 

    Because if they fail, England will once again be thrust into civil war between the Yorks and Lancasters. And these four-and-20 women have already sacrificed too much.

    ©2019 Aiki Flinthart (P)2020 Bolinda Publishing


    "Fascinating portrait of the lives of a brilliant cast of Tudor women - treason, intrigue, plots-within-plots, loyalty, courage and Sidhe magic...what more could you ask of a historical fantasy?" (Pamela Freeman, award-winning author of the Castings Trilogy)

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