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Couverture de Black and White

Black and White

De : Yunus B. Bilici
Lu par : Tom Weitzel
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    Black and White is a collection of poetry about love, family, and inspiration.

    "Come With Love"

    Step out of the dark and silent nights

    To the blessed morning blue.

    I feel your fear, caused by the cruel eyes looking at you.

    Some strange trouble I am in,

    Find me if you can, in your true self.

    You forgot your name.  

    Remember what your name is.

    In the valley of whispers, what meaning has life

    Other than sorrow and foolishness?

    Whose expression is that dwelling on your face?

    Regardless of your disguise,

    There is that certain something between your face and your heart.

    Your face is spreading smiles,

    While your heart is shedding tears of blood.

    You may not bear any malice.

    But where did they come from,

    Those masks you hide behind

    In your fear of being forgotten and left alone?

    You've hidden me, that which you are made of,

    In the faces you consider as friends.

    You are killing yourself, the one that lives-in me,

    As if you want to die.

    Please don't! Remember your childhood.

    If you listen to your friends patiently with faith,

    You will discover me in you.

    But if you listen to the faces whispering into your mind,

    You will not succeed to find yourself, that self which is made of me.

    With selfishness, you will kill the miserable me in you.

    ©2016, 2020 Yunus Bilici (P)2020 Yunus Bilici

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