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Couverture de Black Gold

Black Gold

De : A. Jay Collins
Lu par : Hadi Rock Hajjar
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    In the years following the end of the Shah’s dynasty, a major petrochemical refinery is being constructed in northern Iran by the Islamic Regime. While this is good for Iran, it’s not so good for the West. Enter the Organization for Reorganizing Business (ORB), led by Murray Stockman. ORB sends their senior field operative, Matthew Black, into Iran to “fix” the refinery problem. But this won’t be an easy task. Black needs to refocus the Regime on being pro-West, a tall order that’s going to require all his skills and the support of many. During significant political unrest and social upheaval, Black and the other ORB operatives on the ground, use every element at their disposal to upset the Regime’s plans.

    Amid the rise of the Iranian working men’s union movement and the birth of the Friends of Iran youth organization, ORB works to sabotage the refinery, cut the Regime’s access to funds, and bring about the failure of the Revolutionary Guard. Can Stockman and his people cut Iran’s ties to Russia and China and wrest control of the Iranian oil industry from the Regime before it’s too late?

    ©2022 A. Jay Collins (P)2024 A. Jay Collins

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