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  • Black Excellence Affirmations for Kids

  • Positive Affirmations for Black Kids to Increase Confidence, Motivation, Self-Esteem, Leadership, and Fun!
  • De : Tasha Tinsley
  • Lu par : Zimzadaah
  • Durée : 3 h et 58 min

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Black Excellence Affirmations for Kids

De : Tasha Tinsley
Lu par : Zimzadaah
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    Hey there, phenomenal young minds! Get ready to embark on an exciting journey filled with positivity, confidence, and loads of fun! This groundbreaking book is specially crafted just for you—amazing young kings and queens—to help you soar high with confidence and pride.

    Inside this treasure trove of affirmations, you'll discover 1000 empowering affirmations tailored exclusively to celebrate your uniqueness and magnify your inner sparkle. Each affirmation is like a magical spark that lights up your path to greatness!

    Boost Your Confidence: Say goodbye to doubt and hello to unstoppable confidence! With affirmations crafted just for you, watch your self-belief skyrocket and shine like the star you are.

    Embrace Your Strength: Nurture your mind, body, and spirit with affirmations that champion your vitality, health, and the superhero within you. Get ready to feel strong and mighty every single day!

    Wealth of Positivity: Unlock the secrets of a positive mindset and attract all the good things life has to offer! These affirmations will help you see endless possibilities and abundance around you.

    Unleash Your Superpowers: Harness your unique talents and inner strength with affirmations that make you feel invincible! You're destined for greatness, and these affirmations will remind you just how powerful you are.

    Success and Focus: Dream big, set goals, and smash them! These affirmations will be your cheerleaders, keeping you focused and determined to achieve all your dreams.

    Love and Unity: Spread love, kindness, and build beautiful relationships with affirmations that celebrate harmony and togetherness. You're a shining beacon of love in this world!

    This book isn’t just about words; it's your guide to becoming the most exceptional version of yourself. With each affirmation, you'll be crafting a life filled with confidence, motivation, and a whole lot of FUN!

    What are you waiting for? Let's embark on this exciting adventure together!

    ©2024 GO Publishing LLC (P)2024 2024
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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