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Couverture de Black Cat Fever

Black Cat Fever

De : M.D. Harrod
Lu par : Eve Nicole Lemaire
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    Elasia Masters used to make her living stealing from the rich. Now that the Crooked Family has kicked her out, she can’t do that anymore, or so she thought. Her new employer, Ormil Salavar, has a great first assignment for her. He wants her to travel to the southernmost border of the Commonwealth, break into the home of a nobleman, find, and steal an ancient, potentially dangerous artifact. How can everything change, and nothing really change? Once again, the young thief will have to use all her skills and training to take something that doesn’t belong to her without getting caught. The potentially dangerous artifact, known as the Ebony Cat, is an ancient statuette resembling a demonic cat. There’s a history of death, madness, and blood sacrifice surrounding this thing. Is this something Elasia really wants to steal? And who in the world would want such a thing anyway? These questions and more will be answered in this latest Elasia Masters adventure.

    ©2024 M.D. Harrod (P)2024 M.D. Harrod

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