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Couverture de Bitterroot Badlands

Bitterroot Badlands

De : B.N. Rundell
Lu par : Scott Miller
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    Lust, hatred, greed, and vengeance all combine to make this journey one of the most dangerous and deadliest of them all.

    They had rescued a young Nez Percé warrior from the warring Blackfoot and were bound on a journey to take him home to his people. The vast land of the Bitterroot Mountains, and the badlands that lay at their feet, held more obstacles than they expected.

    It was to prove to be a treacherous journey, fraught with natural disasters and conflicts with familiar foes. But when confronted with evil of another sort, an evil that sought to destroy their very own, it became kill or be killed, and blood would soon paint the mountains and the plains of the wilderness.

    Yet even in the most challenging times, friends can be found, and old acquaintances renewed. But it takes more than friendship and new allies to dispel the wickedness that comes from the darkness of malevolence. And when vengeance drives the demented, can there be deliverance? When women warriors prove their mettle, anything can happen, and usually does.

    ©2020 Wolfpack Publishing (P)2021 Wolfpack Publishing

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