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  • Bitter Medicine

  • Two Doctors, Two Deaths, and a Small Town's Search for Justice
  • De : Carlton Smith
  • Lu par : Patrick Lawlor
  • Durée : 8 h et 45 min

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Bitter Medicine

De : Carlton Smith
Lu par : Patrick Lawlor
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    Two deaths

    Port Angeles, Washington, is a small town of pretty houses and smiling people, surrounded by acres of pristine wilderness. Everyone thought it was the perfect place to live . . . until two local doctors made headlines. 

    Two doctors

    On a chilly January night, Dr. Eugene Turner hastened the death of a three-day-old baby boy who had been pronounced brain-dead. Six weeks later, ER physician Dr. Bruce Rowan hacked his wife to death with an axe, then tried to kill himself - claiming he snapped after witnessing Dr. Turner's euthanasia. 

    A small town rocked by a shocking fatality

    What really happened? What drove Dr. Bruce Rowan - a man who was entrusted to heal the sick - to so savagely take the life of his own wife? Acquitted by reason of insanity, Dr. Rowan was committed to a mental institution. And thought the trial is over, some fascinating ethical and legal questions have been raised by its outcome. 

    Now, best-selling true crime writer Carlton Smith reveals the never-before-told facts and the stunning truth behind two doctors, two deaths, a surprising trial, and the picturesque town standing in the shadow of a ghastly killing.

    ©2000 Carlton Smith (P)2018 Tantor

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