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  • Bitcoin for Beginners: A Safe and Easy Guide to Investing and Trading in Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency

  • De : Bunmi Samuel PhD
  • Lu par : Walter Thomas
  • Durée : 3 h et 41 min

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Bitcoin for Beginners: A Safe and Easy Guide to Investing and Trading in Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency

De : Bunmi Samuel PhD
Lu par : Walter Thomas
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    The world is changing; everything is getting digitalized. Right now, there are only two main things that are impossible to digitalize fully. Human mind and nature. But there is one thing that isn't being talked about enough now, it's the future of money! Throughout time, there have been many forms of currencies. The invention of Bitcoin was an exciting development because it offered the first decentralized form of money. This means that there are no banks or any other intermediaries involved in sending and receiving Bitcoin transactions, meaning that your money will be safer than ever before. It also means that your money can be sent anywhere at any time, and you don't have to worry about transaction fees or regulations.

    Currently, we have a system of money that is similar to this. A new technology is already beginning to change our monetary system, which many people don't even consider. Bitcoin is transforming the way we view money in a major way.

    In this audiobook, we are going to be looking at how bitcoin, the most popular of cryptocurrencies, works and what sets it apart from regular currencies. At the end of this useful guide, you should not only have a good understanding of where bitcoins came from but also be able to grasp whether it is an investment that you would like to pursue or not. This is one of those audiobooks I would recommend for potential investors as well as people who are just starting out in this new form of currency.

    This audiobook covers everything from setting up your first bitcoin wallet with Coinbase to investing in bitcoin stock. This audiobook also covers:

    • What is Bitcoin? - A brief introduction to the history of cryptocurrency and bitcoin.
    • What's the deal with Bitcoin?
    • How to obtain Bitcoin
    • Storing and securing your Bitcoin
    • The future of Bitcoin - A look at the future of bitcoin, what's in store for the cryptocurrency, and where it could be heading
    • How to invest and make money with Bitcoin - Tips on investing in Bitcoin by buying and selling them on an exchange, how to make money day trading with bitcoins, and other ways to make money with cryptocurrency
    • Common myths about bitcoins - An explanation of why many of the misconceptions about bitcoins are false or exaggerated
    • Should you invest in bitcoin? - A look at whether Bitcoin is a good investment option for you based on your circumstances

    By the end of this audiobook, listeners will have a clearer understanding of what makes cryptocurrency so unique, along with mastering some of its practical applications in today's economy.

    ©2022 Bunmi Samuel (P)2022 Bunmi Samuel

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