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Couverture de Birthrights


De : David Trotter
Lu par : Henry Kramer
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    Tur’Mor, capital of the Republic of Ordiatea and the center of the modern world, is a vast city-state by the sea where the haze of industry and the glisten of steel draws in people from across the continent of Ethrea.

    At the heart of the Tur’Mor lies two governing authorities, that of the political figureheads and the holy council of the church of Ordan. However, beneath its cobbled streets and immense markets, a cancer sucks at the city-state, threatening to overturn the tinder balance of it all. Cults, thieves, assassins, and robbers lurk while the wealthy "uppers" leech off of the less fortunate.

    Burdened with guilt and remorse for his failings, a forgotten warrior finds himself trapped between the looming walls of Tur’Mor and a mysterious call to find them. His only hope is to learn to trust. But in a city where secrets and betrayal are the common language, and propaganda is being issued from those who should be helping, he is left to figure things out on his own. Meanwhile, in the south end of Tur’Mor where the poor and desperate cling on to whatever meager belongings they can scavenge, a group of misfits has banded together, headed by the charismatic Felik, calling themselves "the Crew".

    Diversity makes them unique, stronger than common street toughs of the south end. But when everyone has secrets, someone is bound to get hurt. Worlds collide as progress presses ever onward. Important realities are lost to history as the march to greater enlightenment tramples out the once sacred truths of the past. Magic and mystical creatures? Fairy tales used to scare children. Arcane artifacts? Folklore to distract citizens from their responsibilities. The church has verified this, and they do whatever it takes to ensure these facts. However, some of those darker truths should have never been allowed to be forgotten.

    ©2021 David A. Trotter (P)2022 David A. Trotter

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