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Couverture de Birthing a Movement

Birthing a Movement

De : Renee Ann Cramer
Lu par : Susan Ericksen
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    Midwives in the United States live and work in a complex regulatory environment that is a direct result of state and medical intervention into women's reproductive capacity. In Birthing a Movement, Renee Ann Cramer draws on over a decade of ethnographic and archival research to examine the interactions of law, politics, and activism surrounding midwifery care.

    Framed by gripping narratives from midwives across the country, she parses out the often-paradoxical priorities with which they must engage - seeking formal professionalization, advocating for reproductive justice, and resisting state-centered approaches. Currently, professional midwives are legal and regulated in their practice in 32 states and illegal in eight, where their practice could bring felony convictions and penalties that include imprisonment. In the remaining 10 states, Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs) are unregulated, but nominally legal. By studying states where CPMs have differing legal statuses, Cramer makes the case that midwives and their clients engage in various forms of mobilization - at times simultaneous, and at times inconsistent - to facilitate access to care, autonomy in childbirth, and the articulation of women's authority in reproduction.

    ©2021 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University (P)2021 Tantor

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