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Couverture de Birth of a Villain

Birth of a Villain

De : S.E. Bradley
Lu par : Arif Hodzic
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    Heroes and villains are often defined by the side you stand on.

    At just 17 years old, Jacob had it all—wealth, intelligence, and a bright future. But all that changed in a single, devastating moment, when he witnessed the brutal murder of his parents. Suddenly, Jacob finds himself in the crosshairs of the infamous crime boss Marco Koruza, forced to confront a truth about himself that he never could have imagined.

    As he struggles to come to terms with his newfound supernatural abilities, Jacob is plunged into a world of danger and deceit, where every decision could mean the difference between life and death. From the hallowed halls of Harvard to the seedy underbelly of the criminal underworld, Jacob must fight to discover the truth about himself and his past, before it's too late.

    With explosive language and visceral violence, this gripping thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last tick.

    ©2020 Shalese Kamerath (P)2023 Shalese Kamerath

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