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  • Birth of a Self-Care Vigilante

  • Tap into the Universe for Recovery, Book 1
  • De : Ilana Kristeva
  • Lu par : Ilana Kristeva
  • Durée : 9 h et 18 min

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Birth of a Self-Care Vigilante

De : Ilana Kristeva
Lu par : Ilana Kristeva
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    In a lively yet bold style, Ilana Kristeva takes listeners through her journey from "groaning to glowing”, as she surrenders old habits and embraces wisdom of the universe to overcome chronic pain, addiction, and other serious health conditions. Witness how making daily, living amends to her body - her process known as “Body-Part Reconciliation (BPR)” - not only saved her from losing her legs but also from drowning in her love affair with food, sex, alcohol, drugs, money, and more.

    This born rebel intimately reveals how she transformed her arsenal of "yes, but" excuses into active participation in a world filled with limitless possibilities. Relax and enjoy a unique opportunity to experience life through the eyes of this self-care vigilante. While you listen to Ilana's soothing voice and follow her in taking deep breaths, you will learn ways in which you, too, can feel fantastic with her tools and techniques:

    • Seven key ingredients to vibrancy
    • 26 self-care vigilante affirmations
    • Mindfulness meditation and tapping exercises

    Be prepared to laugh through darkness with Ilana and emerge into vibrancy!

    ©2015 Ilana Kristeva (P)2020 Ilana Kristeva

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