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Couverture de Birds by the Shore

Birds by the Shore

De : Jennifer Ackerman
Lu par : Jennifer Ackerman
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    From the best-selling author of The Genius of Birds, the revised and reissued edition of her beloved book of essays describing her forays along the Delaware shore

    For three years, Jennifer Ackerman lived in the small coastal town of Lewes, Delaware, in the sort of blue-water, white-sand landscape that draws summer crowds up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Birds by the Shore is a book about discovering the natural life at the ocean's edge: the habits of shorebirds and seabirds, the movement of sand and water, the wealth of creatures that survive amid storm and surf. Against this landscape's rhythms, Ackerman revisits her own history - her mother's death, her father's illness, and her hopes to have children of her own.

    This portrait of life at the ocean's edge will be relished by anyone who has walked a beach at sunset, or watched a hawk hover over a winter marsh, and felt part of the natural world. With a quiet passion and friendly, generous intelligence, it explores the way that landscape shapes our thoughts and perceptions and shows that home ground is often where we feel the deepest response to the planet.

    ©2019 Jennifer Ackerman (P)2019 Penguin Audio


    “Arresting and provocative... A joy to read.” (The Washington Post)

    “Ackerman’s glimpses of the Delaware shore are full of the kind of fascinating detail that makes good nature writing as engaging as any fiction.” (Smithsonian Magazine)

    “Like walking along an ocean beach with a knowledgeable, articulate friend, reading this personalized natural history is a restorative experience.” (Publishers Weekly)

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