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  • Birding Without Borders

  • An Obsession, a Quest, and the Biggest Year in the World
  • De : Noah Strycker
  • Lu par : Luke Welland
  • Durée : 8 h

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Birding Without Borders

De : Noah Strycker
Lu par : Luke Welland
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    Noah Strycker set himself a goal: to become the first person to see half the world's 10,000 species of bird in one year.

    With an itinerary covering 41 countries, spanning all seven continents, and armed with a backpack, binoculars, and a series of one-way tickets, he sets out on the greatest adventure in the birding world. Along the way he meets a colorful cast of fellow birders—and discovers a world of blood-sucking leeches, chronic sleep deprivation, floods, war zones, ecologic devastation, and conservation triumphs.

    Vivid, charming, and full of wonder, Birding Without Borders is a celebration of passion, exploration, and the birders' ethos that, if you keep your eyes and mind open, you never know what you might see.

    ©2017 Noah Strycker (P)2022 Noah Strycker


    One of the Guardian's Best Paperbacks of November

    "Astonishing.... If by chance you can't meet these 6,042 species yourself, this book is a close second." (Jennifer Ackerman, author of The Genius of Birds)

    "Even readers who wouldn't know a marvellous spatuletail from a southern ground hornbill will be awed." (Publishers Weekly)

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