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Couverture de Big Dating Energy

Big Dating Energy

De : Jeff Guenther, Kate Happ
Lu par : Jeff Guenther
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    Big Dating Energy is the must-have, straight talking guide to the wild world of dating, from TikTok's favourite therapist, Jeff Guenther.

    If you are equipped with the tools and the mindset to do it right, dating is so much more than a joyless trudge from one bad date to the next. In fact, it's an excellent way to learn more about your needs, your desires, and what you're really looking for in a partner - so that when you find the exact right person who ticks all your boxes, you are ready to snap that gem right up. And in the meantime? Think of the hilarious stories with which you can delight your friends, family, and therapist.

    Covering everything from first dates to red flags, ideal partner checklists and knowing when and how to end things, this book harnesses the charm and easy-to-follow advice that nearly four million followers come to the @therapyjeff platform for daily.

    Big Dating Energy will set you up to not only succeed at dating, but maybe even enjoy it and learn something about yourself along the way.
    ©2024 Jeff Guenther and Kate Happ (P)2024 Orion Publishing Group Limited

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