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  • Big Boys Do Cry

  • 16 Different Men Talk About Their Mental Health Struggles: Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Mental Health Disorders, Etc
  • De : Brendan Conboy
  • Lu par : Brendan Conboy
  • Durée : 6 h et 47 min

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Big Boys Do Cry

De : Brendan Conboy
Lu par : Brendan Conboy
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    Should this book have been written? Should it be read? Why is there still so much stigma, shame and taboo associated with mental health? Why do men struggle so much to talk about their problems? Are we adequately equipped? In the workplace, in your home, in the church, in society?

    The introduction in this book briefly explains how our brains work, it is a powerful organ. Are you trapped in a negative mindset? This book will change the way that you think.

    A survey of 1,000 men carried out by the Priory Group revealed the following:

    77% of men polled suffered from common mental health symptoms such as anxiety, stress and depression.

    40% of men have never talked to anyone about their mental health.

    29% of those who haven’t talked say that they are “too embarrassed” to speak about it, while 20% say that there is a “negative stigma” about the issue.

    The biggest causes of mental health issues in men’s lives are work (32%), their finances (31%) and their health (23%).

    40% of men polled said that it would take thoughts of suicide or self-harm to compel them to seek professional help.

    This book is dedicated to the brave men, who found the courage to talk about their mental health.

    Asking for help and sharing the pain that you live with is the most courageous thing you can do.

    Also, to all men, especially:

    The silent ones

    The lonely ones

    The still suffering ones

    The recovering ones

    The shameful ones

    The painful ones

    The unspoken ones

    The broken ones

    The rejected ones

    The disrespected ones

    The ones who want to die

    The ones who never cry

    The ones who believe the lie

    The ones who would deny

    That Big Boys DO CRY

    ©2024 Brendan Conboy (P)2024 Brendan Conboy

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