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  • Bible-Based Christian Scripture Affirmations and Meditation Praying for Your Husband

  • Inspiring, Uplifting, Motivational Quotes, Declarations, and Prayer
  • De : Mel Madsen
  • Lu par : Mandy Grant-Grierson
  • Durée : 1 h et 12 min

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Bible-Based Christian Scripture Affirmations and Meditation Praying for Your Husband

De : Mel Madsen
Lu par : Mandy Grant-Grierson
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    As a wife, you have the privilege of praying into your husband’s life. The scriptures in this audiobook are powerful and God-breathed. By praying and meditating on these scriptures, you can support and motivate your husband in the most powerful and loving way. These scriptures are centered around peace, love, protection, and provision.

    Learn and apply incredibly powerful, inspiring scriptures to transform your life, mindset, and spirit as you speak into your husbands life.

    Are you:

    • Praying for your husband, however you find yourself praying the same things?
    • Looking to apply Bible-based wisdom and time-tested scriptures for your husband's life?
    • Searching for that feeling of confidence and boldness, prayers answered, and breakthrough received?
    • Would like to get rid of endless worries, fear, and anxiety as you understand the promises God has for your husband's life?

    Then this audiobook of scriptures is for you! This Christian audiobook contains powerful scriptures to benefit your husband's life. Hear what God has promised your husband and the power that lies in a praying wife!

    This audiobook for praying for your husband can boost your spirit and mindset by:

    • Increasing your Bible-based wisdom
    • Understanding and discerning the words promised over your husband's life
    • Attaining sound counsel
    • Understanding the wisdom, testimonies and lessons shared by iconic biblical figures as well as by God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Yahweh

    God is faithful in so many areas of our lives; increase your knowledge of the Bible with these empowering scriptures.

    Get your audiobook of Christian Scripture Meditation Praying For Your Husband today!

    ©2021 Mel Madsen (P)2021 Mel Madsen

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