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  • Bible-Based Affirmations for Love and Relationships

  • Renew Your Mind as You Come to Grow and Live in God's Love; Valuing Who You Are Showing Respect to Others Is the Way to Flourishing Relationships
  • De : Good News Meditations
  • Lu par : Aretha Smith, G.L. Charles
  • Durée : 11 h

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Couverture de Bible-Based Affirmations for Love and Relationships

Bible-Based Affirmations for Love and Relationships

De : Good News Meditations
Lu par : Aretha Smith, G.L. Charles
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    If you want to increase in faith in order to receive the miracle of conception and to experience a calm, peaceful, and glorious pregnancy and childbirth, then keep reading.

    Our solution is using the word of God to renew your mind and help it change its perspective on every aspect of life using affirmations, declarations, and meditations. Bible-Based Affirmations for Fertility and Supernatural Childbirth contains more than 450 powerful bible-based affirmations which will have an immediate, long-lasting and positive impact on your mind and therefore on your life.

    The first audiobook of this bundle is Bible-Based Affirmations for Fertility. This audiobook will help you:

    • Awaken to the truth and the awareness of God’s promises concerning fertility, pregnancy and childbirth
    • Increase in faith to receive the miracle of conception
    • Find strength and believe that you are fruitful

    The second audiobook is Supernatural Pregnancy and Childbirth Affirmations. This audiobook will help you:

    • Experience the pregnancy and childbirth God ordained for you
    • Keep a sound mind throughout and after pregnancy
    • Experience a calm, peaceful and glorious pregnancy and childbirth

    If you’re ready to start meditating on God’s word for fertility and for a glorious childbirth, then scroll up and click on the "Buy Now" button."

    ©2020 Good News Meditations (P)2020 Good News Meditations

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