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Couverture de Beyond the Veil

Beyond the Veil

De : Chad Stambaugh
Lu par : Douglas S. Pullar
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    This audiobook is for all paranormal investigators everywhere. This is also for all Wiccans, and all Pagans in general. Here's your book to combat all those nay sayers and Bible thumpers, who constantly say that were conjuring demons and that were devil worshipers. This is the book that spreads the truth about the false origins of the Bible itself and the fear that organized religion that has held mankind in fear and blind obedience.

    This is the book that shows we don't need an organized religion to talk and be one with God! For God is everywhere! In the air, in the sea, and in the land itself. God is in everything, not just some building that some priest says that you must be in, to communicate with God.

    This book is for man as a whole to finally wake up, and finally open his eyes and see the truth.

    ©2015 Chad Stambaugh (P)2015 Chad Stambaugh

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