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Couverture de Beyond the Storm

Beyond the Storm

De : Debra B. Morton
Lu par : Lisa Renee Pitts
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    A handbook of help and hope when facing personal tragedy.

    When the storms of life blow in unexpectedly, wreaking havoc and leaving a trail of destruction, why does one person fall apart while another perseveres and even finds a deeper sense of purpose afterward? In Beyond the Storm, Debra Morton reveals why, providing the techniques and strategies that helped her and many others not only survive but also thrive, even in the most painful of circumstances.

    While ministering to victims of Hurricane Katrina and grieving the death of her granddaughter, Morton realized that the key to pushing forward in the midst of setbacks was having a defined set of coping skills. So she created the “Storm Playbook”, which teaches how to renew your hope, reclaim your passion, and experience fulfillment and joy again. That playbook is here for you to use immediately, along with interactive tools, journaling questions, and scripture studies that will guide you through pain and struggle and into strength and victory once again.

    Beyond the Storm is an essential help for flourishing after the devastating effects of life’s blows, so you can actively pursue the purpose you were designed to fulfill.

    Charts, journaling prompts, and memory verses are available in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2019 Debra B. Morton (P)2019 Thomas Nelson

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