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Couverture de Beyond the God Sea

Beyond the God Sea

De : Elora Morgan
Lu par : Madison Alcala
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    No man may touch Zaria. Not even her own father.

    Envy of the other girls, Zaria was born for the sea. Nobody questions her fate as the chosen braenese to marry Keroe, God of the Sea - least of all her. 

    And even if she did, she has no choice. 

    When Zaria’s wedding day finally arrives, she'll become the only islander of her generation permitted to cross into the God Sea. There’s nothing more she could possibly want. 

    Until a curious boy washes up on her palm-fringed paradise, and Zaria defies sacred law to hide the unconscious stranger.

    There are only two possibilities with his strange (and strangely handsome) face: He’s either a village anomaly or the Sea God himself, in disguise. The alluring boy-creature couldn’t have come from anywhere else, because there is no other land in all the ocean. 

    But when the scoundrel awakens, he has the gall to ambush Zaria.

    As three pageants leading up to her wedding turn unexpectedly deadly and the enigma of its true purpose looms, Zaria is torn between her long-desired fate as Sea Queen and the infuriating boy who tells her that everything her people know is a lie.

    ©2020 Elora Morgan (P)2022 Elora Morgan

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