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Couverture de Beyond the Badge: Nox

Beyond the Badge: Nox

De : Jeanne St. James
Lu par : Ava Lucas, Connor Crais
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    When two broken halves come together to forge one unbreakable whole…

    Officer Bradley Lennox, aka Nox, has been living in the shadows of his own grief since the unexpected loss of his wife. Just when he was finally on the road to recovery, they found Sadie in a motel in Ohio, causing his world to spiral back into darkness.

    Concerned for their fellow Blue Avenger, his MC brothers issue an ultimatum: accept help or risk losing his job as an officer with the Shadow Valley PD and his spot on the Tri-State Federal Drug Task Force. They hope it’ll compel Nox to free himself of the heartbreak consuming him.

    Then Aaliyah, a widow and single mother, takes over running the grief group he’s forced to attend. Knowing the pain of loss all too well, her determination to help Nox reignites the hope of him getting better. But it also sparks a connection he didn’t see coming.

    However, their journey is far from easy.

    Nox is resistant to fully embracing a new beginning, despite Aaliyah's unwavering perseverance. To make matters more complicated, her father is the sergeant at arms for the Dark Knights MC and harbors a deep-seated hatred for law enforcement.

    While Nox struggles to forge a brighter future for himself, for the task force, the stage is set for a violent showdown. A war erupts between two ruthless factions: the Deadly Demons MC and La Cosa Nostra, posing a threat to Nox’s fragile peace.

    Especially when someone he cares about gets caught in the crossfire.

    Note: Beyond the Badge: Nox is the sixth book in the Blue Avengers MC series. It’s HIGHLY recommended to listen to this six-book action/adventure series in order due to the continuing story arcs (subplots). However, each book focuses on a different couple who gets their HEA. This series has no cheating or relationship cliffhangers.

    ©2024 Jeanne St. James (P)2024 Jeanne St. James

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