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Couverture de Beyond the Algorithm

Beyond the Algorithm

De : Omar Santos, Petar Radanliev
Lu par : Max Newland
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    As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more and more woven into our everyday lives—and underpins so much of the infrastructure we rely on—the ethical, security, and privacy implications require a critical approach that draws not simply on the programming and algorithmic foundations of the technology.

    Bringing together legal studies, philosophy, cybersecurity, and academic literature, Beyond the Algorithm examines these complex issues with a comprehensive, easy-to-understand analysis and overview. The book explores the ethical challenges that professionals—and, increasingly, users—are encountering as AI becomes not just a promise of the future, but a powerful tool of the present.

    • An overview of the history and development of AI, from the earliest pioneers in machine learning to current applications and how it might shape the future
    • Introduction to AI models and implementations, as well as examples of emerging AI trends
    • Examination of vulnerabilities, including insight into potential real-world threats, and best practices for ensuring a safe AI deployment
    • Discussion of how to balance accountability, privacy, and ethics with regulatory and legislative concerns with advancing AI technology
    • A critical perspective on regulatory obligations, and repercussions, of AI with copyright protection, patent rights, and other intellectual property dilemmas
    • An academic resource and guide for the evolving technical and intellectual challenges of AI
    • Leading figures in the field bring to life the ethical issues associated with AI through in-depth analysis and case studies in this comprehensive examination.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Omar Santos, Petar Radanliev (P)2024 Omar Santos, Petar Radanliev

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