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  • Beyond OODA

  • Developing the Orientation for Deception, Conflict and Violence
  • De : Varg Freeborn
  • Lu par : Varg Freeborn
  • Durée : 4 h et 41 min

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Beyond OODA

De : Varg Freeborn
Lu par : Varg Freeborn
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    Beyond OODA: Developing the Orientation for Deception, Conflict and Violence is Varg Freeborn's highly anticipated follow up to the extremely popular Violence of Mind. While Violence of Mind was a broad introduction to all aspects of violence preparation, Beyond OODA focuses precisely on the development of mindset, or more accurately the orientation that influences and governs our decision making, and how it is developed for both good and bad people, alike.

    A scholarly lesson on Boyd's O.O.D.A. loop is just the beginning of Beyond OODA. Then, as the title suggests, the book dives way past that concept into the deeper work of understanding, recognizing and developing the orientation specifically, since therein lies the answers to affecting our own decision making under stress, as well as influencing the decision-making of others at will.

    ©2021 Varg Freeborn (P)2023 Varg Freeborn


    "A thorough and experienced analysis of the most critical component of decision making. With his depth of knowledge and unparalleled experience in the realm of criminal violence, Varg Freeborn breaks from the norm of “they don’t think like you and I” to expose how culture, values, attachments as well as internal and external parameters inform decision making for both ‘good guys’ and violent criminals. Renowned warrior philosophers from practically every era have stated the importance of knowing one’s self to better understand the enemy. Referred to as ‘Orientation’ by LtCol John Boyd and expressed in chilling detail through the experiences of a man who has lived at both ends of the “good vs evil” spectrum, Beyond OODA: Developing the Orientation for Deception, Conflict and Violence creates a roadmap to developing counters to life and death situations as well as preparation for an eventual aftermath." (Daniel Shaw, firearms instructor, Shaw Strategies, USMC Ret.)

    "You are absolutely spot on with how you're using Boyd's concepts, and I think he'd be very excited with this've written a Book of Five Rings for the 21st century." (Chet Richards, author of Certain to Win, long-time friend and colleague of LtCol John Boyd)

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