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Couverture de Between Death and Life

Between Death and Life

De : Dolores Cannon
Lu par : Doug Warrings, Ted Snow, Carol Morrison
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    A well-written book that is a curious reminder that our in-between life with all its information lies within our subconscious.

    Dolores has accumulated information about the death experience and what lies beyond through 16 years of hypnotic research and past-life therapy. While retrieving past-life experiences, hundreds of subjects reported the same memories when experiencing their death, the spirit realm, and their rebirth.

    This book also explores:

    • Guides and guardian angels
    • Ghosts and poltergeists
    • Planning your present lifetime and karmic relationships before your birth
    • The significance of bad lifetimes
    • Perceptions of God and the Devil
    • And much more

    ©1993, 1995, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Dolores Cannon (P)2016 Dolores Cannon

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Between Death and Life

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    Even though it scared me at times, it is the most insightful book on the afterlife I have listened to/read until now. Very interesting. It helps put together what I read/listened to from other mediums.

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    I loved it. now onto the next book that calls to me to listen

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      1 out of 5 stars
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    • Histoire
      1 out of 5 stars

    How to profit from the grieve and the naivety of other peop

    Dolores Cannon, was the prototype of the new-age opportunist, able to profit from the grieve and the naivety of other people……. hypnosis, past-life regression, channeling, Nostradamus, UFOs and extraterrestrials, exotic cosmogony and the cure of all known human diseases….everything is possible (without the slightest hint of a proof). She even added the word "quantum" to her healing technique, even so the term has absolutely nothing to do with what she proposed.

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    2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile