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Couverture de Betting Against the Scoundrel

Betting Against the Scoundrel

De : Mariah Stone
Lu par : Shane East, Justine Eyre
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    "I'll be your scoundrel, not your hero."

    Broken and devastated, the former Duke of Grandhampton, Lord Spencer Seaton, returns home from the war to find he has lost everything. His only goal is to exact vengeance upon the man who took everything from him.

    Nothing will stop Spencer... except, Miss Joanna Digbyintelligent, cunning, and mysterious. A wallflower, she conceals her true self behind a facade, only to have her family threatened by the same man who ruined Spencer.

    But as fate would have it, Lord Seaton stands in her path, and she in his.

    Spencer offers a wager that makes Joanna's heart pound. If she wins, Spencer will use his wealth and influence to assist her. If he wins, she will give him what he wants more than his next breath—her virginity.

    One scandalous wager, two determined rivals, and three dangerous days spent in close proximity.

    Can love resurrect the soul of the man who came back from the dead?

    Read by the award-winning narrator, Audie finalist, and Earphones for excellence in narration winner, Shane East, and Justine Eyre, a classically trained actor and narrator has been honored to receive a coveted Audie Award and multiple AudioFile Earphones Awards.

    ©2023 Stone Publishing B.V. (P)2024 Stone Publishing B.V.

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