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Couverture de Betrayal of Blood

Betrayal of Blood

De : Crystal Matthews
Lu par : Courtney Feiman
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    Will her powers save them, or destroy them?

    Swept away into the world of intrigue and mystery — a stark contrast to her farmstead life! — Starlyn DeTousan has a new task: to learn to master her recently discovered powers. The fate of the Elders depends on it. The fate of her newly formed friendships with the necromancer Trust and the Guardian of the Elite Stone Wolf, might depend on it, too.

    But when Stone Wolf goes missing, Starlyn’s world gets turned upside down once again.

    Monsters are the least of Starlyn’s and Trust’s problems after they leave the protection of the Elders to search for Stone Wolf. The vicious Night Runners, werewolf creatures sent by the Mistress, are still after Starlyn.

    And the worst of all, there are secrets and intrigues…and everyone wants Starlyn for her powers.

    Can she really tell who is friend, and who is foe? Should she stay with her friends — are they truly her friends? — or dare to seek training with the one she fears so much?

    Will she learn the truth about herself before it’s too late…or will her powers be the end of the ones she loves?

    ©2023 Crystal Matthews (P)2023 Crystal Matthews

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