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Couverture de Best Seat in the House

Best Seat in the House

De : Neil Crompton, Aaron Noonan - contributor
Lu par : James Saunders
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    Racer and broadcaster Neil Crompton has had the best seat in the house for the last 40 years of Australian motorsport, an amazing lifetime upgrade to a firsthand, front-row seat to see the biggest names, machines, and events of this high-speed, high-octane sport.

    A kid from Ballarat in country Victoria obsessed by speed with an undying passion to pursue a career in the sport, Neil ended up finding his way to lining up on the grid at the biggest race in Australia, the Bathurst 1000, driving for a team run by his childhood hero, Peter Brock. Since then, he's raced wheel-to-wheel with some of the biggest stars the sport has ever seen in this country and experienced firsthand the thrilling success, heartbreaking disappointment, and emotional trauma that is a life spent in motorsport and the relentless pursuit of the ultimate success.

    Uniquely, Neil has spent his entire career either driving a race car, a microphone, or sometimes both. As the trusted and respected modern-day voice and face of Supercars racing on television in Australia, he's added the audio soundtrack from the commentary box to some of the biggest spine-tingling moments in the sport and is well qualified to offer his account of the who, what, and where of Aussie motorsport. From navigating for Dame Edna Everage at the Adelaide Grand Prix to driving some of the fastest race cars in the world and everything in between, he has been there and seen it all.

    Best Seat in the House is Neil's account of an amazing period of the sport from a viewing position like no other.

    ©2021 Neil Crompton and Aaron Noonan (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers

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