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Couverture de Beneath the Swirling Sky

Beneath the Swirling Sky

De : Carolyn Leiloglou
Lu par : Michael Crouch
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    A house full of paintings, a missing sister, and a family secret send a boy and his cousin into a world where art is the key in this fantasy adventure perfect for fans of The Wingfeather Saga and Pages & Co.

    “A delightful adventure, excellent for reading aloud. This book will make you want to study Van Gogh and get out the paintbrushes!”—Sarah Mackenzie, founder and host of Read-Aloud Revival® and author of The Read-Aloud Family

    After an experience he’d rather forget, Vincent is determined to be done with art. So when he and his little sister, Lili, spend spring break with their art conservator great-uncle, Vincent's plan is to stay glued to his phone.

    That is, until Lili disappears into one of the world's most famous paintings and Vincent learns his parents have been hiding something from him: Their family is the last of The Restorationists, a secret society with the power to travel through paintings—and a duty to protect them from evil forces.

    With Lili’s safety on the line, leaving art behind is no longer an option. Vincent must team up with his know-it-all second-cousin Georgia, wrestle with why his parents lied to him, and confront both his past and a future he never wanted. Young readers are invited into a captivating universe where paintings become a portal—and adventure and danger lurk beyond every canvas.

    ©2023 Carolyn Leiloglou (P)2023 Listening Library


    “Colorful descriptions will send curious readers searching for images of the paintings mentioned, while discussions of art as a vehicle for the expression of truth and beauty add depth to a plot . . . [Vivienne] To’s expressive, delicately rendered illustrations enhance the text.” Kirkus Reviews

    “A delightful adventure, excellent for reading aloud. This book will make you want to study Van Gogh and get out the paintbrushes!” —Sarah Mackenzie, founder and host of Read-Aloud Revival and author of The Read-Aloud Family

    “This carefully composed story is certain to captivate and delight your creative kids.” —S. D. Smith, author of the Green Ember series

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