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Couverture de Believe... Angels Don't Lie

Believe... Angels Don't Lie

De : Jeanne Street
Lu par : Jeanne Street
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    You are a magical soul capable of healing your greatest source of pain with angelic guidance.

    As a renowned spiritual medium and best-selling author of The Goddess You, Jeanne Street shares with you Believe... Angels Don’t Lie - God’s heavenly plan for your well-being.

    Inside Believe... Angels Don’t Lie are divine, universal truths that will lead you to experience your own greatness, deepen your spirituality, enhance your gifts and align you with your angels.

    Throughout this book, you will connect with your innate power and faith and open your pathway to living abundantly in love. You will find insightful and intimate details from client readings, healing sessions, and heavenly messages. These are to assist you in freeing yourself from energy that no longer serves you, while allowing you to heal your pain and suffering.

    Believe...Angels Don’t Lie will guide you to start loving yourself and living your authentic and best life by going through the steps that are divinely charted out for you.

    You’ll gain a deeper understanding on:

    • What the different types of angles are
    • How to know your soul’s truth
    • How to connect with your team of angels
    • What your God given gifts are, and how to work with them
    • How love can support and heal you

    You’ll feel embraced by love, enlightened, and connected to your angels and departed loved ones. This book is filled with the Spirit’s inspiring messages, guidance, and divine love that will support you living your miraculous life.

    Recorded and edited by Tracy Walton, owner of On Deck Sound Studio.

    ©2020 Jeanne Street (P)2020 Jeanne Street

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