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  • Being Here...Too: Short Stories of Modern Day Enlightenment

  • Being Here, Book 2
  • De : Ariel and Shya Kane
  • Lu par : Ariel Kane
  • Durée : 4 h et 18 min

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Couverture de Being Here...Too: Short Stories of Modern Day Enlightenment

Being Here...Too: Short Stories of Modern Day Enlightenment

De : Ariel and Shya Kane
Lu par : Ariel Kane
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    Real, everyday stories that will touch your heart and transform your life.

    When you are being here in the current moment...magic happens. Years of resentments dissolve, true love blossoms where it’s least expected, and ordinary moments become extraordinary. Award-winning authors Ariel and Shya Kane, along with folks from their international community, share inspiring true stories about life, death, and everything in between. These heartwarming personal tales will allow you to enjoy the magic of Being Here...Too.

    A sequel to Being Here, this audiobook illustrates how life can be easy and will support you if you let it. Your day-to-day experience of living can literally transform so that accomplishments come naturally, and things you have strived to change dissolve all on their own.

    Topics include:

    • The Magic of Being Boldly You
    • Family and Forgiveness
    • Parenting, Teaching, and Transformation
    • Birth, Death, and the Physical Challenges in Between
    • Dating, Relating, and Finding the One
    • Being in the Moment and Achieving Your Goals

    From Brooklyn and Kansas City to Zurich and Hong Kong, join storytellers from around the world and spark instantaneous transformation in your own life.

    ©2018 ASK Productions, Inc. (P)2019 ASK Productions, Inc.

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