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Couverture de Behind the Gates 4

Behind the Gates 4

De : Bobby Akart
Lu par : Andrew Wehrlen
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    Shadows of decay were cast across a nation.
    Despair was the norm, not the exception.
    Anger pervaded America's psyche.
    Life as we know it was but a distant memory.

    International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's favorite storytellers, delivers up-all-night thrillers to nearly two million readers in 245 countries and territories worldwide.

    Then fabric of society had come unraveled. Neighbor fought neighbor despite the threats lurking just beyond the gates of their neighborhood. Despite the best efforts of Dean, Emmy, Grayson and the other members of the Friday Night Club, the self-appointed leaders of Malibu Country lost their focus.

    Behind the gates, a handful of vocal of residents, those running the neighborhood's homeowner's association, claimed the ultimate authority over their neighbors. The rule of law, as well as common decency, was cast aside. Tensions boiled over with devastating results.

    Could the neighborhood weather the coming storm? Or, were they so blinded by internal squabbling that they ignored the signs of danger lurking beyond the gates? A difficult decision had to be made by Dean Winchester and his group. One that would change their lives forever.

    With seventy novels published worldwide, Bobby Akart delivers intense, up-all-night thrillers that have you whispering just one more chapter.

    ©2024 Bobby Akart Inc (P)2024 Bobby Akart Inc

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