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  • Beginnings

  • Beginning's End Series, Book 1
  • De : W. J. May
  • Lu par : Zac Smith
  • Durée : 5 h et 4 min

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Couverture de Beginnings


De : W. J. May
Lu par : Zac Smith
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    USA Today Bestselling author W.J. May brings you the story of how the prophecies began—before Evie, before Katerina—starting from the very beginning. The Beginning's End Series is a prequel and continuation of the bestselling YA/NA series about love, betrayal, magic and fantasy. Welcome to W.J. May's world of paranormal, full of shifters, fae, fairy, witches, dragons, dark magic... and did I mention the vampires?

    Learn to fight, it is the only option

    You've read the ending, but there is a beginning to every story…

    Centuries before the creation of the five kingdoms, when the great houses were still forming and the realm was ruled by fae, a small band of companions set out on a journey.

    Kiera had never left her village. It was a stroke of luck that she wasn't there when the dragon attacked. Without any friends or family, without a shred of hope that anyone might believe her, she strikes off alone into the forest, looking for people that can help.

    The world is new and untamed. The people are leaderless and wild. There has never been an alliance to unite them, but an alliance is exactly what the realm needs.

    Because a darkness is coming.

    One that threatens to consume them all…

    Be careful who you trust.

    Even the devil was once an angel.

    ©2023 W. J. May (P)2024 W. J. May

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