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Couverture de Before We Gather

Before We Gather

De : Zac M. Hicks
Lu par : Zac Hicks, Alan Irving
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    Read by the author.

    A 52-week devotional for ministry leaders and worship teams to prepare their hearts and minds for the service and make the worship experience of their church more meaningful.

    Anyone involved in organized worship has probably seen what worship can be, and they've wondered: How can we tap into that transformative spirit more often? How can we overcome the problems of urgency, fatigue, and the temptation to just go through the motions? How can we gather before God, consistently ready to receive his presence?

    In Before We Gather, Zac Hicks—author of the best-selling book The Worship Pastor—provides a unique year-long devotional that focuses the attention of worship teams and individuals on God. This book offers biblical reflection in a simple, engaging style, helping worship teams set the tone of a gathering by developing a rich theology of worship through the practice of prayer.

    Full of field-tested devotionals specifically designed for pre-service prayer times, each entry has a simple, three-part format: read a passage, reflect on it, and then spend time in focused prayer that will propel worshipers into the service.

    The 52 entries can be used once a week over the course of an entire year or adapted in the way that best fits your context.

    Indexes of devotional selections organized by themes, individual Scripture verses, and the church calendar are included in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Zac M. Hicks (P)2023 Zondervan

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