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  • Before War

  • On Marriage, Hierarchy, and Our Matriarchal Origins
  • De : Elisha Daeva
  • Lu par : Elisha Daeva
  • Durée : 11 h et 27 min

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Before War

De : Elisha Daeva
Lu par : Elisha Daeva
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    The book Before War will change how its listeners look at the world by exposing the female roots of Western civilization. It draws on the evidence from anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, primatology, and the shocking new genetics data, to tell the story of Western civilization.

    For listeners of Sapiens and The Dawn of Everything, this is about another way that our European ancestors lived, without violence, sexual shame, or social inequality. Its the story of a story that was buried and re-discovered again and again, and is once again being told, thanks to the new science of genetics. It's the story of the first rape, genocide and colonization in 3500 BCE, and of the peaceful, egalitarian people who lived before. Its about the most controversial academic debate of all time, which has raged for 250 years. It's a funny, sexy take on some heavy topics.

    It's not about blaming men. It's about standing together against an institution that harms us all.

    Are you interested in your Eurasian ancestors, in the truth about our ancient past, or in the origins of social inequality? Do you want practical solutions for how we can save the world, or how you can heal from harmful belief systems? It's time for a paradigm shift!

    ©2023 Elisha David (P)2024 Elisha David

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