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Couverture de Before Genesis

Before Genesis

De : Donna Howell, Thomas Horn
Lu par : Johnathan Welsh
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    By far, the leading interpretation of todays Church regarding the age of this planet, Earth, takes us back to approximately 4004 BC: the year believed to be Adams creation. However, just as Galileo challenged the Church to accept that Earth circles the sun (not the other way around), it is far beyond time for traditional interpretations regarding our planets earliest ages (and what occurred between God and Lucifer during those eras) to be updated in light of what we know today. Once this is done, the evidence overwhelmingly stacks in favor of a harmony between science and theology.

    Dr. Thomas Horn and his research assistant, Donna Howell, have waded through thousands of scholarly works to present an astounding study like none other in this field that brings a fresh perspective to contemporary sciences, the age-old question of what Gods first enemy did to Earth in the days it was without form, and void (Genesis 1:2), and what may have really happened in the days of Adam.

    In Before Genesis, you will learn: the basics of the debate raging between the Old Earth and Young Earth Creationist groups and the answers to these issues straight from the Word of God; how ancient archeological sites (such as Gobekli Tepe, Puerta de Hayu Marca, Tiahuanaco, Baalbek, and Catalhoyuk) point to an intelligent race of beings (fallen angels...and something else?) on Earth alive before the time of Adam and under Lucifers fallen influence; what Earth was like during the without form, and void era of Genesis 1:2; Lucifers biblically recognized role as Earths serpentine king; what the biblical prophets said about this fallen cherub that covereth; who the perpetrator in Eden really was; the origin of the great lizards weve come to know as dinosaurs; and, finally, for the first time, the conclusion to the events of Genesis that shockingly merges all contributing voices (Young and Old Creationist groups, as well as science) into one balanced and agreeable climax.

    ©2023 Defender Publishing (P)2024 Defender Publishing

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