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Couverture de Bee


De : Karen Gammons
Lu par : Mercedes Rich
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    God shines through, even in the hardest of times . . .

    In 1866 Jillibee Thompson, age 17, and her Texas family embark on an arduous journey, driving a covered wagon pulled by oxen, as part of a wagon train bound for Oregon City, Oregon.

    Leaving Texas and Nate, her beau, behind breaks Jillibee's heart, but along the way, finding a friend on the wagon train helps ease her sadness.

    When tragedy strikes on the trail, Bee (as Jillibee is called) is forced into an adult's role. She befriends a soldier traveling with the group who helps her manage the daily grind.

    Will she arrive safely in Oregon? Will she stay true to God? Will she find the man God intends for her to marry?

    Follow Bee's trials and triumphs along the Oregon Trail as she makes some of the hardest decisions of her life, all in the midst of overcoming heartbreak and sacrificing her own needs to support her family.

    ©2023 Karen Gammons (P)2024 Karen Gammons

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