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Couverture de Becoming a Superhero

Becoming a Superhero

De : C. Ariane Durden
Lu par : Joyce Licorish
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    Parents, are you looking for a fun, colorful, and educational gift for your child? You’ve just found it!

    Becoming a Superhero is a fun and innovative audiobook to encourage kids to make healthy choices by eating foods the colors of the rainbow and exercise through play, which helps fight childhood obesity. This is an amazing children’s nutrition audiobook that uses imagination, Southern charm, and a cast of multicultural characters to encourage children to eat superfoods, make healthy choices, and become “superheroes".

    Super Sasha Jones along with a cast of multicultural characters takes you on an amusing adventure to fictional Peach City in search of the secret recipe where children learn how to make healthy choices. With a surprise ending, the kids discover which tactic works. The audiobook is primarily targeted at 5 to 10-year-olds, but it can encourage kids of all ages to make healthy choices to become superheroes.

    Becoming a Superhero is an amazing gift for children and parents to reinforce making healthy decisions in a playful, colorful, and educational manner and inspire future generations.

    Becoming a Superhero is an amazing gift for children and parents that is fun, inspirational, educational, family-friendly, demonstrates perseverance, positive values, and encourages healthy choices to inspire kids to become superheroes. With a foreword by Lee Haney, eight-time Mr. Olympia, chairman to the president’s council on sports and fitness, and founder of the International Association of Fitness and Science.


    • 2021 Independent Press Award Winner in Children’s Diet and Nutrition
    • 2021 Independent Press Distinguished Favorite Children’s Inspiration

    Inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama’s "Let's Move!" initiative.

    ©2022 C. Ariane Durden (P)2022 C. Ariane Durden
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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