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  • Becoming a Sober Rebel

  • How One Woman Stepped into Sobriety on Her Own Terms
  • De : Louisa Evans
  • Lu par : Louisa Evans
  • Durée : 6 h et 6 min

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Becoming a Sober Rebel

De : Louisa Evans
Lu par : Louisa Evans
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    Have you ever tried to take a break from alcohol and struggled? Are you wanting to go sober but keeping going back to day one? Do you find it impossible to moderate, or do you use a drink at the end of the day to switch off an overactive mind? You’re not alone.

    As a cognitive behavioral hypnotherapist, Louisa was no stranger to helping others quit unwanted habits, but when it came to her own relationship with alcohol, she struggled. After spending more than a decade attempting moderation, she finally declared that enough was enough and embarked on a sober life.

    And that’s when the fun started. Louisa shares with honesty how she found herself in a resetting loop with far too many "day ones" before making the necessary mindset shifts that changed everything.

    Join her as she reflects on where her attitude to alcohol started and in working out why she found it so hard to walk away from it. Why was she sabotaging her own success, and most importantly, why wasn’t she using the tools from her professional life that she knew would work?

    Fast forward to today, and she is delighted to have booted alcohol out of her life having created a sober identity that is far more appealing than her old drinking one.

    Louisa is now on a mission to spread the message far and wide that you don’t need to hit any sort of rock bottom to walk away from alcohol and that if you struggle at the start it doesn’t mean you won’t succeed eventually. It’s all about mindset.

    It’s never just about stopping drinking, it’s also about addressing why your unhealthy relationship with alcohol happened in the first place. Dealing with emotions, anxiety, or mental health is a cornerstone of making this a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

    This book is a really entertaining and relatable look at what it is like to quit alcohol and how amazing it feels to regain control of your life.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Louisa Evans (P)2023 Louisa Evans

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