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Couverture de Becoming a God Made Easy: A Cultivation-Esque LitRPG

Becoming a God Made Easy: A Cultivation-Esque LitRPG

De : Arthur Wordsmith
Lu par : Seth Podowitz
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    A young man's death is only the beginning when he elects to pursue divinity in a realm where gods and monsters are all too real.

    Luke was your typical nine-to-five office drone when he was killed in a head-on car collision during his morning commute. Instead of going to heaven, Luke's soul is brought to a hellish realm on the verge of total destruction, where two supernatural beings soon engage in brutal combat. Defeating her rival, the victorious Arke prepares to claim her prize, the powerful God Seed. But the ancient artifact has plans of its own, offering to soul-bond with Luke, who accepts and flees to the world of Theos to escape Arke's wrath.

    There, on the island of Carim, Luke is guided by the God Seed to take possession of the body of a recently deceased fisherman and embark on quests that will help him ascend to godhood. But his resurrection does not go unnoticed. The elderly Nefkha has been charged by a pantheon of deities drawn straight from myth to locate a thief on the run. Realizing Luke is the one the gods seek, Nefkha strikes a bargain to keep the younger man's identity secret in exchange for help with a mysterious task.

    Now, to survive a manhunt orchestrated by the rulers of his strange new world, Luke must ensure Nefkha doesn't betray him—and learn how to wield a mighty relic desired by forces far beyond his imagination . . .

    The first volume of the hit progression-fantasy series—with more than 850,000 views on Royal Road—now available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Audible!

    ©2023 Arthur Wordsmith (P)2023 Podium Audio

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