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Becoming Homeschoolers

De : Monica Swanson, Sarah Molitor - foreword
Lu par : Sarah Molitor
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    Read by the author.

    Monica Swanson helps you navigate your real-world concerns about school, culture, and what it takes to create an amazing homeschool experience that you and your kids will never regret!

    If you've ever wondered whether you have what it takes to homeschool your children, look no further. Parenting author, podcaster, and homeschool mom Monica Swanson is here to tell you: you can do it. In fact, it can be the most fun, family-unifying, character-building, life-equipping experience you and your children will ever have.

    Becoming Homeschoolers tackles your legitimate doubts and fears about homeschooling, as well as the questions you want answered before you commit—questions like where to start and how to choose a curriculum, build social skills, teach what you're not good at, and prepare for college. With humor and encouragement, Monica weaves her own story of homeschooling her four boys with step-by-step, practical advice on how to:

    • Assess whether home education is right for you and your children
    • Establish a foundation of faith in your everyday homeschool routine
    • Find socialization opportunities such as sports and extracurricular activities
    • Care for yourself and your marriage even as you spend more time each day with your kids
    • Tackle the practical side of homeschooling, including standardized tests, transcripts, college readiness, and navigating education requirements

    It's time to trade fear for empowerment and insecurity for confidence as you live out your own story of becoming homeschoolers.

    Useful resources can be found in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Monica Swanson (P)2024 Zondervan

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